2 NIGHTS. 14 influential speakers - all SINGLE, from DIVERSE backgrounds, ethnicities and genders. 2 NIGHTS discussing CONTROVERSIAL subject matter pertaining to UNMARRIED individuals. A venue, locale and CONFERENCE for the MASSES to attend FREE OF CHARGE. To talk about the ISSUES that most folks THINK ABOUT (or post) but rarely discuss in PERSON. The TOPICS that aren't normally broadcasted openly or on Sunday mornings.

What if we gave those men and women a platform to SPEAK on the subjects that occupy the minds of SINGLES in 2017?

•Can they change
•Why doesn't he pursue
•Why is she so confusing
•If he can't lead right now should I initiate
•I want her, but not her kids
•His debt
•Her past addictions
•His ex-wife
•She doesn't want anymore kids, but I do
•I'm over 30 and he has a pulse, should I settle
•What part of her heart isn't she guarding
•Should I give him a second chance
•She's broke, lazy, uninspired, but beautiful
•He has a credit card, he likes me, it's Friday and I want sushi, so who cares if I'm not interested
•Is the labor, time and investment even worth it
•Do you always think about sex or is just me
•Why get a girlfriend when I can get a puppy
•My hairs growing, I lost 10 lbs., I got a promotion, my cars paid off and I just closed on a new home - do I really need a man at this point
•I'm over 40, I don't have time to court/date for 2+ years - Is making a quick decision worth the risk?

You know, that STUFF...

An audience involved OPEN FORUM where EVERYONE gets INPUT to subjectively share, laugh, cry, disagree and hopefully GROW and leave edified. And food...FREE FOOD for ALL who attend.