• Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (map)
  • 650 South Griffin Street
  • Dallas, TX, 75202
  • United States

Ponder this thought: #SHOES. Chances are you're wearing a pair. What if I told you thousands of KIDS in the #DFW don't own ONE pair because their families can't AFFORD to provide them with this basic #necessity.
Here is the GOOD news - this SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16TH thousands of kids will receive a brand NEW pair of kicks at this years annual "Home-Team Volunteer Event for the #Homeless".

It won't cost any child or their family one cent to get a new pair, and likewise it won't cost you anything either.


We are simply asking you to SACRIFICE your time and a #HEART full of #LOVE to #serve. We don't need your money, we just need your HANDS to lace up a pair, your #SMILE to warm a heart and your #KINDNESS to leave a lasting IMPRESSION in the life of a CHILD.

JOIN US as we partner with Operation Care International SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16TH and #VOLUNTEER so thousands of children in #Dallas will have the best #Christmas they've EVER had.